Albergues Juveniles en Aragon.. Comunity Aragon.

Albergues Juveniles en Aragon. Aragon. Spain.

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They offer cozy accommodation and tailored to the needs of youth activities at a reasonable price. While open to all citizens, give priority to young users and particularly to groups. Aragonesa Network of Youth Hostels (Raaj) is comprised of youth from the Government of Aragon and other privately owned. They are part of the Spanish Network of Youth Hostels (REAJ) and, in turn, of the International Youth Hostel Federation (IYHF). To make use of them is necessary to hold the hostel card.

The facilities usually have common rooms, bathing facilities, spaces for dining and meeting places or meeting.

Imágen de los Pirineos

The operation, rules and prices of the hostels are regulated by the statute of REAJ.


Department of Culture and Tourism of the Government of Aragon.
The facilities listed in this section are Aragonesa Network of Youth Hostels.
These find public and private facilities, with a common goal: to facilitate youth mobility and provide a hosting service tailored to the resources and needs of younger users.
This network integrated into the national grid and in turn in the international (IYHF) is a set of more than five thousand shelters scattered throughout the world.

Remember that to use these shelters, you must be in possession of the Youth Hostel card.

Carnets de HOSTEL

Internationally recognized and valid for use at all youth hostels and abroad.

There are the following categories:

Note: The Youth Hostel card is valid for one year from the date of issue and with it comes free, the national directory of youth hostels.


C/ Franco y López,4Pza.San Carlos, 4 “Casa de los Morlanes”
Tfno.: +34 976551987Tfno.:976-72.18.18
Servicio Provincial de Cultura y Turismo de TeruelOMIJ. TERUEL
San Vicente de Paúl, 1C/ Yagüe de Salas,16
44071 TERUEL44071 TERUEL
Tfno.: +34 978641034Tfno.:978604658
Servicio Provincial de Cultura y Turismo de HuescaEn los propios albergues de la red.
C/ Ricardo del Arco, 6
22071 HUESCA


Most of the shelters are located in places that offer ample opportunities for the practice of recreational and outdoor sporting, cultural and environmental.
In almost all are suitable rooms for meetings, work.


Youth Hostels are open to all young people or adults who have a card or membership card, issued by any integrated Hostel Association in IYHF generally no age limit.

In general, shelters close to the 23 h is necessary to respect people's sleep until 7 pm
The Rules of each hostel is down more specific guidelines on its operation.

Hostels of the Government of Aragon

Albergues NO asistidos:Nuestra Señora. del Pilar (Canfran-Estacion, Huesca);
Santuario de Misericordia (Borja,Zaragoza)
NO asistidos:Jovenes < 26 AñosADULTOS
Albergues Asistidos:Joaquín Costa (Barbastro, Huesca);
Sta.María del Pilar (Villanúa, Huesca);
Luis Buñuel (Teruel);
Ramón y Cajal (La Almunia de Doña Godina,Zaragoza);
Baltasar Gracián (Zaragoza)

If you want to enjoy the outdoors in Aragón can choose from the following alternatives:

Outdoor Aragon

Camping in Aragon.


High Mountain Refuges

Rural Tourism

Sports and adventure

Nature Activities


  1. Either abandoned or bury garbage. Take it to where you pick up service.
  2. Be careful with fire. In some places there is to do it ever, exist in other appropriate places. Always shut down the embers and Never throw cigarette butts, or from the car or on foot.
  3. Close the gates, railings, bolts, cabin doors ... etc., that you meet on the field. This prevents entering or leaving the cattle or other animals.
  4. Always crosses farmland along the trails. Do not step never planted.
  5. Dogs rule should be tied to either scare or disturb livestock or animals free.
  6. Respects and cares sources and waterways.
  7. Do not make a nature workshop, changing oil or washing the car in any ditch.
  8. If you're on Comodón and track vehicle drive slowly, since in any curve you can find walkers and livestock.
  9. In short, in summary: Avoid PRINT YOUR MARK CENTURY WHERE HAVE abstain from

Ample your information on Aragon

If you want to extend your information on Aragon you can begin crossing another interesting route is the Mudejar, Patrimony of the Humanity, also you can extend your cultural knowledge on Aragon examining its municipal and institutional heraldry without forgetting, of course, some of its emblematics figures as Saint George Pattern of Aragon also book of Aragon.

Also Aragon enjoys a diverse and varied Nature where passing by plants, animals or landscapes we can arrive at a fantastic bestiario that lives in its monuments.

The information will not be complete without a stroll by its three provinces: Zaragoza, Teruel and Huesca and his shines, with shutdown in some of its spectacular landscapes like Ordesa, the Moncayo or by opposition the Ebro.

Also you can dedicarte to the intangible ones: from the legend compilation that also does to universal Aragon you can persecute the presence of del Santo Grial in Aragon.

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Albergues Juveniles en Aragon.

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