Sebastian Munster (1489-1552)Documents Aragon in English. Spain.

Sebastian Munster (1489-1552) Documents Sebastian Munster Aragon

Aragon in English > Documents > Sebastian Munster

Sebastian Münster, born on January 20, 1488 in Ingelheim, electorate of Mainz (Germany) and died on May 23, 1552 in Basel (Switzerland)

He was one of those characters that in the sixteenth century dominated several branches of knowledge.
  Specifically, Münster excelled as a cartographer, cosmographer and linguist.

In the year 1544 he published his great work Cosmographia Universalis, which was the first description in German of the world and the cornerstone of the geographical revival in sixteenth-century Europe, proof of this was that he had publications throughout the sixteenth century and part of the seventeenth.


Was published in deutsche, for the first time in the year 1544.

Geographiae Claudii Ptolemaei Alexandrini, Philosophi Ac Mathematici Praestatssimi, Libri VIII, Patrim a Biblibaldo Pirckheymero Translati.
Tabulae Nouae Quae Hactenus in Nulla Ptolemaica Editione Usiae sunt,
Per Sebastianum Munsterum

Published by Officina Henrichi Petri, Basel, 1552

Folio (12 x 8 inches).
Letterpress title-page, woodcut portrait of the author, and 27 fine double-page woodcut maps of the old world, and 27 of the new world, including one folding, ALL WITH FINE CONTEMPORARY HAND COLOR and with letterpress descriptive text on rectos within decorative woodcut borders, woodcut diagrams in the text and initials.

Fourth edition, translated by Willibald Pirckheimer.
The map of America is in Burden's 6th state.
Essentially he published Ptolemy's "Geography" with a "further section of modern", more up to date maps.

He included for the first time a set of continental maps, the America was the earliest of any notes.
He was one of the first to create space in the woodblock for insertion of place-names in metal type.
The map's inclusion in Munster's "Cosmography" sealed the fate of "America" as the name for the new world.
The book proved to be very popular, there being nearly forty editions during the following 100 years." (Burden 12).

Sebastian Munster was to become one of "the most influential cartographers in the sixteenth century" (Burden).

Ample your information on Aragon

If you want to extend your information on Aragon you can begin crossing another interesting route is the Mudejar, Patrimony of the Humanity, also you can extend your cultural knowledge on Aragon examining its municipal and institutional heraldry without forgetting, of course, some of its emblematics figures as Saint George Pattern of Aragon also book of Aragon.

Also Aragon enjoys a diverse and varied Nature where passing by plants, animals or landscapes we can arrive at a fantastic bestiario that lives in its monuments.

The information will not be complete without a stroll by its three provinces: Zaragoza, Teruel and Huesca and his shines, with shutdown in some of its spectacular landscapes like Ordesa, the Moncayo or by opposition the Ebro.

Also you can dedicarte to the intangible ones: from the legend compilation that also does to universal Aragon you can persecute the presence of del Santo Grial in Aragon.

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Sebastian Munster (1489-1552) Cartography, Cosmography, Cosmography, Book, maps, geography, illustrations, history, Atlas, world, countries

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