Coat of Aragon
Quartered shield,
1, gold, torn from an oak tree vert surmounted by a Latin cross gules;
2 of azure, in dexter chief a silver cross with his arm pointed bottom;
3 of silver, a cross of St. George gules cantonada at each corner of a turbaned Moor's head vert;
and 4 gold, four sticks of gules.
It is no coincidence that there is a living from wildlife among the emblems of Aragon, magic tree between Iberians, Basques and Celts, early inhabitants of Aragon and represents the desire for freedom and independence from those times.
The cross on the tree, within the signs "talking" refers to the ancient kingdom of Sobrarbe (on-Arbe), let it be understood both as the sign of the cross on a tree, the cross over the Sierra de Arbe, or the birth of the Christian kingdom in this territory, in any case a sign or mark of liberated territory.
Its ancient origin shared with Navarre and other peninsular kingdoms be seen, at least as early as the tenth century coins Navarre and the Aragonese from Sancho Ramirez (1063 - 1094) and appears as such in representations of the Aragonese royal family as the shield of Pedro Atares in Veruela:
Badge on Veruela
Heraldic tree in the Villahermosa Palace of Huesca.
The use of the sign of the tree appears again, for this family heraldic representation of Villahermosa related to the royal family of Aragon.
Sobrarbe tree in the fourteenth century Vidal Mayor.
The use of the sign of the cross on the tree has a long tradition, is reflected for example in miniature of Vidal Mayor (folio 232 v, De expeditionibus, es assaber: De caualgadas o corridas) the beginning of s. XIV (The Paul Getty Museum, Malibu EEUU).
For Sobrarbe Aragon Cross refers to the Charters of Sobrarbe, and the famous phrase "privileges that were once kings" that summarizes and that means that all rulers are under the rule of law, and that before being proclaimed king must swear the charters or laws of the kingdom.
The placement of this headquarters is not casual. The headquarters of the Jurisdictions (Sobrarbe) is the first, ahead of the Kings is the third. And even this quarter is above the Kings (above the laws of the kings).
Its ancient origin is to be found already in use that he made Ramiro I (1035-1063) already used it as a sign or signum crucis.
Cruz de Iñigo Arista in Zurita 1579 Book
Zurita 1579 Book
The age and significance of this symbol is raising more controversy.
While some portray him as the four kings of old, similar to many other towns and cities of the peninsula.
"Modern" interpretations (from the fourteenth century) to assimilate the supernatural assistance of St. George in the conquest of Huesca, and would no longer heads of ancient kings but of Moorish kings (Zaragoza).
The oldest sample of the use of the four heads in the Crown of Aragon is a hallmark of King Pedro III of 1281. It is believed that alludes to the legendary battle of Alcoraz, in the eleventh century, in which King Peter I won the city of Huesca, in which St. George himself appeared and rescued a German gentleman of Antioch by the saint.
The gold shield with four sticks of gules, is known in heraldry as "Aragon".
The kings of Aragon used it as his emblem of the family, so for example we have in the Aljaferia, which was his residence since the conquest of Zaragoza by Alfonso I the Battler in 1118.
Still remains etched in stone at the door of the chapel of St. Martin in the light of the public.
Chapel of St. Martin in the Aljaferia
The Aragon family crest, thus known throughout Europe, was picked up with this meaning by the heraldic collections of those times.
One such example is the following:
Coat of Aragon Conosçimiento book
In this manucristo of around 1350, ( The Book of speek. Bayerische Staatsbibliothek de Múnich), that is both a travel book and armorial or heraldic repertory world describes this as the emblem of the person at that time ruled in the Kingdom of Aragon which then comprised the regions of Aragon, Catalonia and Valencia.
Transcription by Maria Jesus Lacarra and colleagues, is as follows:
Parti del rreynado de Granada et fuy al
rreñado de Aragon, vn rreyno muy vjciosso
et abondado. Et ffalle en el çinco çivdades
grandes: a la major, do coronan los rreyes,
dizen Çaragoça, a la otra, Valençia, a la otra,
Tarragona et a la otra, Barçalona et a la otra,
Tortosa. Et por este rreynado corre el rrio
Ebro et el Flumen Sçinca. Et este rreynado
parte con el rreyno de Navarra et con Castilla
et con el rreño de Francia et con los montes
Perineos. Et el rrey dende ha tales senalles
por pendon:
Although Aragon commune and Catalonia, and later Valencia and the Balearic Islands, raises two theory about its origin:
1ª) The one that indicates it as being of authentic and exclusive Aragonese origin, based on the argument that Sancho Ramírez, king of Aragon in the mid-11th century, as the first peninsular king who became a vassal of the Pope, whom he paid tribute in gold and visited in Rome gesture with which the Aragonese king not only sent gold for the crusades, but also sent men for such an undertaking, he was the recipient of continuous letters that the Pope sent him with financial requests, for men or affirmation of faith for the king. These letters arrived in parchments tied with cordage made up of various cords with the colors that represented the papacy, red and yellow cords (some of these parchments are still preserved in the Provincial Council of Zaragoza with the indicated cords). This being, then, where the Crown of Aragon took the colors of its weapons.
2ª) Which maintains that Aragon and the county of Barcelona are united in a single kingdom under the person of Alfonso II - son of the marriage formed by Ramón Berenguer IV Count of Barcelona and Doña Petronila (daughter of Ramiro II "the Monk", king of Aragon) - said monarch, who was the first king of Aragon and Count of Barcelona, took as a unified shield the one adopted by his father (the sign or flag of the Aragon family), because he was prince and regent of Aragon (through the institution of "Marriage at Home") and use them as your own.
Thus, while the shield with the Cross of Saint George would represent the territory and the people who lived there, especially in the form of an army with the preponderance of cavalry, after obtaining the victory of Alcoraz (in the conquest of Huesca), they added the four heads of the Moorish kings or chiefs found dead, the field of gold with the four bars represents the lineage of the family that governs the kingdom.
This is how it was used in this sepulchral lauda of the infante Alfonso, son of Jaime I of Aragon and Leonor of Castile, daughter of Alfonso VIII (of Castile), who when he died in 1260 was buried in Santa Maria de Veruela, with the "bars of Aragón" representing his family lineage.
Sepulchral lauda of the Infante Alfonso, Veruela, around 1260
Although the use of the sign of the king of Aragon in the form of a flag has already been documented since before, at least in 1238, this is one of the oldest representations in the form of blazon or armor stone as a family shield.