Mediano Aragon. Spain.


Aragon > Huesca > Fueva

Belongs to the municipality of LA FUEVA
Is at a distance of 66 Km from Huesca
Located at an altitude of 520 m
In 1999 had a population of 30 inhabitants
In 1991 had a population of 50 inhabitants
Belongs to the county (Comarca) SOBRARBE

Ayuntamiento de La Fueva

Phone: +34 974507002

Reservoir of Mediano with Tower Village submerged 1-2-2002
Reservoir of Mediano with Tower Village submerged 1-2-2002.

Collection of photographs of the Reservoir of Mediano in august 2006, with overlooking the village submerged

Meson de Samitier
© 2004 Serafin Urzay
House Rural Turism email