Graus Basic information. Graus. Province Huesca. Aragon manages it.

Graus Basic information Aragon. Spain.


Aragon > Huesca > Graus

The municipality covers an area of 299.8 Km2
Is at a distance of 82 Km from Huesca
Located at an altitude of 469 m
In 1996 had a population of 3.300 inhabitants
Belongs to the county (Comarca) RIBAGORZA

Ayuntamiento de Graus

Phone: +34 974540002

Location Map of Graus


They are from 12 to 15 September in honor of Santo Cristo and San Vicente Ferrer, are declared of national tourist interest.
In addition several fairs are celebrated during the year that have an antiquity of several centuries.
There is also an important truffle market that is held on Monday nights of a very peculiar way (you do not know anything about what happens).

 It is a nucleus of communications amount that closes the valleys of Esera and Isabena and point of obligatory step if the traveler goes to Roda de Isabena or Benasque.

 The basilica of the Virgen de la Peña, sheltered under the rock of El Morral, dominates the set of the Ville. The work was begun in 1538, highlighting its beautiful Renaissance façade and the remains of the old hospederia and dependencies of the clerics with a gracious gallery that offers a wide panoramic of the urban helmet.

 The latter retains several sets of interest: the main square where the house is located consistorial, of the sixteenth century (very remodeled) and others with animated mural pictorial decoration Neoclassical flavor; in the popular Barrichós, the oldest nucleus of the population, are found manor houses such as the Mur or Solanas, both from the 16th century in the Plaza de Coreche; already at the end of this neighborhood is a door of the old walled enclosure built in 1589.

 It also highlights the parish church of San Miguel, which was originally a construction Romanesque, but successive renovations in the fourteenth century (a short cruise ship vault), XVII and XVIII disfigured its appearance; Inside, interesting painting boards are kept Gothic from the second half of the fifteenth century.