Within the section of festivals, we can not forget the major festivities of Huesca in honor of its patron saint, San Lorenzo. During a week, from 9 to 15 August, the city is transformed completely wearing white and green, the atmosphere is filled with the smell of basil and the citizens take to the streets with their best faces to celebrate the Fiestas de San Lorenzo . The morning of day 9, and as tradition dictates, thousands of people from Huesca await with illusion the firing of the rocket announcing the start of the festivities in the Plaza de la Catedral. Within these festivities, we have to highlight the dancers, of ancestral tradition, the procession of the day 10 and the offering at the closing festive. In addition, cheerful and boisterous acts are scheduled.
The city attracts many visitors during these days, which are fully integrated into the environment thanks to the hospitality of the people of Huesca. p>
Huesca capital also attracts on dates like San Vicente, the small party of the town, which is celebrated on January 22 with its traditional bonfire and potato; the Carnivals, with their cavalcade; San Jorge, the day of Aragon, with the romeria to the chapel located at the top of the hill that bears his name; or the Holy Week in Huesca , followed by a large number of the faithful.
The celebrations of San Lorenzo and the Holy Week in Huesca have been declared Fiestas de Interes turistico.
Location map of municipality Huesca within province of Huesca.