La Puebla de Castro basic information. La Puebla de Castro. Province Huesca. Aragon manages it.

La Puebla de Castro basic information Aragon. Spain.


Aragon > Huesca > La Puebla de Castro

The municipality covers an area of 29,40 Km2
Is at a distance of 78 Km from Huesca
Located at an altitude of 640 m
In 1999 had a population of 320 inhabitants
In 1996 had a population of 306 inhabitants
Belongs to the county (Comarca) Ribagorza.

Ayuntamiento de La Puebla de Castro

Phone: +34 974545003

Old walled square, is located on the top of a hill from where a large area of territory is dominated.

Its magnificent parish church of Gothic style in its transition to the Renaissance, is located in the Plaza Mayor.

Reproduction of the medieval painting of the Griffin
Reproduction of the medieval painting of the Griffin.


Of capital importance is the archaeological site of Labitolosa city of Roman times.
The Chapel of San Román de Castro in a late Romanesque style with Lombard details in its head and interesting Gothic and Mudejar decoration.
The cave paintings located in the beautiful Olvena set.

The Great and Small Route Trails (GR and PR)

 The following paths pass through La Puebla de Castro:

These almost 60 km. of marked paths cross the depression of the Puebla de Castro from North to South and from East to West, connecting with towns located outside of said depression and where we can link with Long Distance Trails (GR):


  August 16 in honor of San Roque
San Román is on November 18, an artisan fair is held for those dates that is to coincide with the third Saturday of November.