Aragon > Huesca > Yebra de Basa
Belongs to the municipality of YEBRA DE BASA
Is at a distance of 60 Km from Huesca
Located at an altitude of 966 m
In 1999 had a population of 3 inhabitants
In 1991 had a population of 8 inhabitants
Belongs to the county (Comarca) Alto Gallego
Phone: +34 974480823
The celebration of this beautiful and uninhabited place is celebrated on August 31 with the feast of San Ramón Nonato, although if this day is Sunday, the party materializes on Saturday the 30th or failing the last weekend of August.
Access to this unique town can not be done in any type of car since its settlement only allows to reach on foot, on horseback or for the more daring by helicopter from Panticosa.
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