Rueda's name alludes to the huge ferris wheel located in the garden of the Monastery of Nuestra Senora de Rueda de Ebro, the chief monument of the county Ribera Baja del Ebro in Sástago, whose ownership is currently left to the Government of Aragon, which is responsible for its recovery.
The Benedictine Monastery of Nuestra Senora de Rueda de Ebro, is one of the most sadly beautiful and beautifully sad, of those can be visited along the river Ebro length. Secularization of 1835 ruined a stroke nearly seven centuries of monastic life, then scattering their rich heritage furniture and ornamental, while the building and all its dependencies fell into a gradual process of deterioration and neglect, only partly mitigated by poor restoration.
This Cistercian monastery was founded in 1202 and had since its inception a very large estate predicament on some 35 locations in the region and even elsewhere in Aragon. Based its economy on the operating system typically Cistercian farm, the monastery, whose temple was started in 1226 - achieved notoriety early economic, one of the first monasteries in importance to the order's headquarters in the county of Toulouse.
In the current factory in the monastery there is a superimposition of periods and styles, the oldest part corresponding to the refectory, the calefactory, kitchen and rooms devoted to the Novitiate, all located in the south wing of the building. There existed an early monastic chapel, placed under the patronage of St. Peter, who disappeared in the course of some later works.
The monastery church was completed around the year 1238 after thirteen years of construction. The faculty works must have been slower since, started-along with those of other units such as the library or the chapter-to 1256, were not finalized until the first half of next century (1340), date on which it had to build the temple's facade overlooking the main square of access, in which he was the guest and the palace of the abbots.
Throughout the sixteenth century works were carried out to extend and improve the monastery, being precisely those which are generally in worse condition. The tower, Mudejar and in a precarious state, arose in the seventeenth century.
The part best preserved and most interesting, is the earliest of the enclosure. Very beautiful, curious and collected is the refectory, situated in the south wing of the monastery and accessed through a beautiful door molding. Under the barrel vault, and perched on the wall of the room, he still has the pulpit, with a curious staircase in the wall and supported on a bracket. The ladder is marked by arches supported by columns topped with simple but beautiful capitals. Open also the beautiful and spacious cloister is also the chapter house, with a beautiful entrance and spacious vain to gain light, arches decorated with diamond-tipped serrated.
In the center of the cloister still remains well and next to him, the big community tank, quite large judging by the inhabitants of the monastery at the time of the secularization: 30 monks and about forty servants, among laymen and servants. The other piece of interest is the area intended for the novice, early Gothic, with curious and strong pillars on which rests the vault.
The set is closed north of the abbey church of three aisles of five bays, without crossing and the apse plane. The only open chapel housed the ships, including the tomb of the late Justice of Aragon Juan Gil de Tarin, who died in 1290. The facade facing the square was tilled access during the reform of the fifteenth century, a beautiful rose window.
Little is left of the interior ornamentation of the temple. The magnificent altarpiece, an excellent work plateresca carved in alabaster by school teachers Damian Forment, moved after the secularization of the parish church of Escatrón, where, for reasons of space, they sacrifice part of the foundation majestically.
The bell tower stands on an octagonal format Almohad minaret.
This set is a national monument.
You also have a literary journey in the series "The Monasteries Aragoneses" .
Mequinenza Reservoir, also called "Mar de Aragon", is ideal for fishing and water sports.
The area has remnants of his intense romanization at Chipana, Fabara and Maella and the imperial villa Lepida Celsa (Velilla de Ebro).