Aragon > Teruel > Aguaviva/ Aiguaviva de Bergantes
Municipality Aguaviva covers an area of 42,2 Km2
It is located 148 Km. from Teruel capital
Located at an altitude of 549 m
In 1996 had a population of 641 inhabitants
C/ Laplaza, 1
Phone: +34 978848234
Situation Map Aguaviva
Belongs to the shire (comarca) of Bajo Aragon
Aguaviva Township is located in the comunity autonomous of Aragon, and on the border of the province of Teruel in Castellón. The area of the municipality is 41.9 km2 and is situated at 549 meters above sea level.
Aguaviva is situated between the rivers and Bergantes Guadalope, surrounded by a landscape becomes wilder the more we advance along the A-225 towards Morella (Castellón).
The area in which lies the town of Aguaviva highlighted by a difficult terrain makes communication with the capital of the province, especially in winter, despite the improvement that has occurred in the roads that we communicates with Teruel.
The geographical situation explains the dependence and direction of economic and social flows and its region Aguaviva to the city of Zaragoza instead of Teruel, which is administratively. This situation has made the economic development of the area has been less than others with better communication.
A means of communication that could have been a major industrial development for this area is the railroad Aragon. Since the end of the last century there was a line linking Barcelona and Zaragoza had his way through Alcaniz. Another company joining the San Carlos Aragon with the Rápita further contact with the former. These lines service stopped in 1973, which led to this zone but be connected to the rest of Aragóny other nearby areas of development with the consequent delay in its industrialization.
The population of Aragon, like the rest of the province, has suffered a setback continuous but slow. Within the area, a special case is the town of Alcaniz, which has seen its population was increasing at a constant due to the influx of people from surrounding villages.
The justification of the demographic decline of the Bajo Aragon, which includes Aguaviva, is to be found in the natural dynamics (birth and death) and especially in migration. Given the scarcity of resources, emigration has been the traditional outlet to find a better way of life in more developed areas.
The precariousness of rural living drives people to emigrate from the region, bound next most developed regions (Catalonia, Saragossa, Valencia, Madrid). The problem is that the emptying of the Bajo Aragón, in the long term, unfortunately, does not result in an appreciable improvement in income and quality of life of those who have stayed.
In the years when the economic crisis is stronger, the exodus seems to stop and even recorded some returns of former emigrants. In our time weighs more interprovincial movement, emphasizing the depopulation of the mountains in favor of the county seats. This explains the case of Alcaniz noted above.
The strong reduction in population of the region because of emigration has resulted in the loss, by the people, their self-renewal capacity, surpassing the deaths to births.
The average age of the inhabitants of the region of Aragon is 43 years, reflecting a progressive aging of the population, due in part to declining birth rates and the decline in mortality.
The birth rate has been declining steadily and is now Teruel is a province with lower rates. Specifically, the Aragon Teruel has a birth rate of 2.1%.
In mortality have been declining over recent decades, although mortality in our region is higher than the Spanish average due to its aging population. The mortality rate of Aragon Teruel rises to 7%.
With the above data we obtain that the vegetative growth of the region of Aragon is negative (-4.89%).
All of this aging population results in economic terms in a decrease in the labor force, weakening of productivity, higher taxes and lower labor initiatives around the world to be older people.
The considerations made so far in relation to the demographics of the region of Aragon, they can move to the area of ??the town of Aguaviva and that is submerged in the same context.
The predominant economic activity in the town of Aguaviva is agriculture and livestock. On these two activities underpin the economy of a large núermo of local families. Most people working in agriculture are owners of their land so the unemployment rate is zero in this activity.
Another important activity Aguaviva by the number of people dedicated to it's construction. The majority of workers engaged in construction makes it self-employed and doing work within the locality.
Professional groups with a certain importance in Aguaviva economic activity, are also engaged in technical branches such as plumbing, electrical, mechanical, etc. .... and persons engaged in retail and hospitality.
Because the predominant activity is agriculture and industry is virtually nonexistent, unemployment rates in the population are low in relation to other locations where there is or has been a major industrial activity.
Current situation: Aguaviva is an eminently agricultural. Their lands are in a favorable geographical position determined by the low altitude, which allows the cultivation of a wide range of agricultural products. All this is accompanied by good quality land.
The property is the most common formula tenure compared to only existing lease in the area. The degree of fragmentation is very intense, with a large number of farms, although a small number of people shared half of the tierrras available. These farmers often join neighboring parcels in order to obtain a greater ysize operation more profitable. This attitude reminds us of land consolidation as a way to make farms more productive.
Aguaviva is in a location close to centers of consumption and marketing strategy as Zaragoza, Catalonia and Levante.
Among the products that exist on this earth, highlight some with some brand recognition, and peach oil, able to compete in other markets. Oil production is characterized by a number of serious shortcomings such as the high rate of consumption exists, the application of modern techniques null in elaboracióny aging plantations.
The excessive weight of the cereal production makes this sector particularly sensitive to negative consequences dela Reform of the CAP (Common Agricultural Policy), while cereals will experience a sharp decline in prices to assimilate global market conditions.
Young people tend to abandon farming activities because they do not have enough attractions, including economic ones, which could achieve the welfare of society demands.
Aguaviva is located within the area of Bajo Aragon where it is located more than 60% of the overall population.
The customs tradicióny livestock in a rural area like this, come down for many years, and in the past, it has been established and updated with more advanced techniques. The vocation of these people by livestock is seen in the increase of animal population censuses.
-Located at 4.5 km., Aguaviva and 2 km., The limit of the province of Castellon, between the local road course of TE-841 (Aguaviva-Castellón) and the bed of the ri or Bergantes, is surrounded by a beautiful natural landscape with great tourist attraction.
-It can accommodate over 250 guests in 63 plots, 35 of which are large enough to install a trailer.
-The Camping "Two Rocks" offers visitors the following services: Alimentacióny Beverages, showers, basins, sinks, laundry, light around the room.
-At the campsite and its surroundings can perform the following activities: water sports because of its proximity to the River Bergantes, mountain bike trails, hiking in the GR-8, trekking, climbing.
-Old Chapel renovated with 60 seats. (Under construction).
· Restaurante Asador "San Gregorio". Carretera De Morella, s/n.
Especialidad: Ternera, postres caseros.
Telephon: 978 848562
· Hotel Restaurante Altabella-Torres. Avd. De la Fuente, 8-10
Especialidad: Ternasco del país al Horno, escabechados y conservas de Teruel.
Plazas: 23 habitaciones.
Teléfono: 978 848238
· Bar "La Venta". C/ La Venta, 2
Especialidad: Meriendas
Teléfono: 978 848239
· Bar Polideportivo. Carretera de las Parras, s/n.
Especialidad: meriendas, platos combinados, pollos a l’ast.
Teléfono: 978 848760
· Bar "Carcelero". C/ Trascasa, 5
Especialidad: Gambas y Sepia a la plancha.
Teléfono: 978 848240
·Bar "L’Amistat". C/ Larga, 17
Especialidad: Callos y gambas a la plancha.
Teléfono: 978 848522
·Supermercado EcoDagesa
C/ Larga, 1 -44566 -AGUAVIVA (Teruel)
Tef: 978 848249
·Supermercado Aldi
C/ Larga, 13 -44566 -AGUAVIVA (Teruel)
· Panadería Pereira
C/ Mayor, 6 -44566 -AGUAVIVA (Teruel)
Tef: 978 848812
· Carnicería La Calzada
C/ Cuatro Esquinas, 12 -44566 -AGUAVIVA (Teruel)
· Fábrica de Pastas Artesanas "Portal del Maestrazgo". Arrea Industrial San Gregorio.
Especialidad: Almendrados y Tortas de alma, totalmente artesanas.
Teléfono: 978 848701
· Almacén de Frutas y Verduras Julián Benedicto. Área Industrial San Gregorio.
Teléfono: 848582
· Cooperativa Textil "AIGUATEX". C/ Camino Calanda.
Teléfono: 978 848875
· Cooperativa Textil "MAMPITEX". Avd. De la Fuente, 40
· Carpinterías:
Muebles Fernández. Tef: 978848530
Carpintería Retave: Tef: 978848626
· Talleres:
Hermanos Zurita. Taller Mecánico. Tef: 848625
Taller Miguel Mestre. Tef: 978848649
· Instalaciones Pedro-Mur. Electricidad y fontanería. Tef: 848649
· Hormigones Guadalope. Ctra Aguaviva -Morella.
Tef: 978 843502
-In the sports center can practice the following sports: Football (grass field), soccer, Basketball, Tennis, Volleyball, Swimming, Bocce.
-Senderismo por la GR-8
-Rutas Bicicletas de Montaña
-Rutas programadas.
-Bergantes River , one of the few rivers of the Ebro Valley still unregulated, where there are river terraces and alluvial materials filled drag sediments that have formed in the last two thousand years.
-Molino del Pere.
-Puente del Arenal: Bridge over the river five eyes Bergantes, located on the road Aguaviva-gin.
-Puente de Cananillas: Bergantes River Bridge, located about 4 km., Of the town, joins Aguaviva terms on its left side with the term of gin on his right side.
It is surrounded by a landscape "Gaudiano" because of the modeling that the rocks have acquired over the years due to river erosion.
-Molino de Aguaviva: Located 2 km., The village on the road to Aguaviva Mas de las Matas. Old mill preceded by a large stone archway, which serves as the aqueduct.
-Cananillas Bridge: Composite currently three arches, in its day was four. His style is characteristic of the Rural Renaissance. The date of its construction dates from 1622, however, the bases can be seen another type of construction probably earlier (Gothic). (M. Mir)
-San Lorenzo Parish Church: the Baroque style, has three naves with four sections and polygonal apse, stresses three bodies tower topped by a Baroque spire. XVII century.
-Ermita de San Gregorio: eighteenth century, Baroque style with Levantine influence.
-Ermita Santa Barbara: First quarter of the seventeenth century, the late Renaissance. It is noble and ashlar masonry in arches and corner.
-Casa Mir. C/ Larga, 20
-Arcos de Plaza España.
-Third weekend of January: San Antón-traditional dinner around a bonfire and a dance.
-Fourth of July weekend: Feast of the traditional division of Fifth-sequillos and wine for all the people, heifers, verbenas.
-Major Festivals: From 14 to August 18, Verbenas night, bands, children's games, typical folklore, costumes, pens of heifers, fireworks, etc..
-Sawdust Carpets: August 28, San Agustíny Holy Mystery occurred in 1475 (total burning of the Church of San Lorenzo, in which only three were saved sacred forms, which occurred at the color of blood ).
A festival of colored sawdust carpets made ??(manually) of beautiful colors and borders each year and form different patterns. These rugs reach a length over 800 meters (with a width of 2 m), walking the streets of the town, only can be viewed from 10am., On the morning of day 28, until 13h the same day, time just High Mass Procession and takes place in honor of the Holy Mystery, which runs over the carpets, destroying in its path.
-Third weekend of November: Exhibition of Products and Services of Rural. Fair importance great tradition since 1709, which was lost for thirty years and was successfully recovered in 1994.
If you want Ample your information on Aragon you can begin crossing some Monasteries, o 40 Castles another interesting route is the Mudejar, Patrimony of the Humanity, also you can extend your cultural knowledge on Aragón examining its municipal and institutional heraldy without forgetting, of course, some of its emblematicas figures as San George Pattern of Aragon or its personages I illustrate adding to these data a minimum crossed by its history o some books.
Also Aragon enjoys a diverse and varied Nature where passing by plants, animals, or landscapes we can arrive at a fantastic bestiario that lives in its monuments.
The information will not be complete without a stroll by its three provinces: Zaragoza, Teruel and Huesca and ours varied Regions, with shutdown in some of its spectacular landscapes like Ordesa or the Moncayo or by opposition in the valle of the Ebro.
If reasons of work or relatives have taken to you Far from Aragon you can Download images of bottom, sounds or animations
Also you can dedicate you to the intangible ones: from the legend compilation that also does to universal Aragon you can persecute the presence of Santo Grial in Aragon.
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Aguaviva/ Aiguaviva de Bergantes: Basic information of the municipality
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