Calaceite/Calaceit: Basic information of the municipality. Municipality. Province Teruel. Aragon manages it.

Calaceite/Calaceit: Basic information of the municipality Teruel. Aragon.


Aragon > Teruel > Calaceite

The municipality Calaceite covers an area of 81,3 Km2.
This town is at a distance of 202 Km, from Teruel.
Located at an altitude of 511 m.
In 1999 had a population of 1.223 inhabitants
In 1.996 had a population of 1238 inhabitants.

Ayuntamiento de Calaceite

Phone: +34 978851001

Situation Map of Calaceite
Map situation municipality Calaceite within Aragon


May 17 F. of the Holy Espina
August 16 Fiesta Mayor.

Municipality Calacete belog to the Shire comarca Matarraña/Matarranya

It is one of the most interesting municipalities in the area, due to the richness of its monumental, architectural and urban elements. It is located on the eastern slope of a hill, crowned by the castle and close on its southern flank by two others, San Cristóbal and San Antonio, where an Iberian settlement is located.

The urban scheme of the city is triangular, and is based on the union of the center of the nucleus with the three main portals through the Mayor street to the southwest, San Antonio to the east and those of Maella and Pilar, which converge in their extreme, towards the north. The main street ends at the disappeared door of the Rosary and is constituted by a beautiful set of buildings of the XVIII century. The street of San Antonio communicates with the square and the Chapel of San Antonio; On its north side a staircase is collected on the magnificent facade of the Moix house. The Plaza Mayor, where the City Hall is located, knots the main roads of the urban area, articulating three porticoed spaces in their angles.

Streets of Calaceite 1 Streets of Calaceite 2 Streets of Calaceite 3 Streets of Calaceite 4 Streets of Calaceite 5
Streets of Calaceite
Photographs by Maria Teresa Aguilo Sanmartin

In Calaceite you can visit the famous museum Juan Cabre at number 12 Joan Cabre street.
Museum Joan Cabre de Calaceite

Other information of the Municipality

Ample your information on Aragon

If you want Ample your information on Aragon you can begin crossing some Monasteries, o 40 Castles another interesting route is the Mudejar, Patrimony of the Humanity, also you can extend your cultural knowledge on Aragón examining its municipal and institutional heraldy without forgetting, of course, some of its emblematicas figures as San George Pattern of Aragon or its personages I illustrate adding to these data a minimum crossed by its history o some books.

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Calaceite/Calaceit: Basic information of the municipality

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