Alagon Basic information municipality Province of Zaragoza. Aragon.

Alagon Basic information municipality Province of Zaragoza. Aragon. Spain.

Municipality Alagon

Aragon > Zaragoza> Alagon

The municipality Alagon covers an area of 24,2 Km2
This town is at a distance of 25 Km from Zaragoza capital
Located at an altitude of 235 m
In 1996 he was a resident population of 5595 inhabitants.
Belongs to the county (comarca) of Ribera Alta del Ebro

Ayuntamiento de Alagón

Plaza de España, 1.
Phone: +34 976610300
Fax: +34 976610565

Situation Map Alagon
Situation Map Alagon

Alagon view from autovia
Alagon view from Autovia.

Casa de Cultura

Plaza de San Antonio, s/n

Phone +34 976 611814

Casa de Cultura

Situation of Alagon

From Zaragoza capital to the NW. from the province you go on the A-68 motorway where you have exit, or on the Logroño Highway (N-232) with a well-marked double exit, from here the road that passes through Remolinos and then heads to the Cinco Villas and towards Novillas and Navarra.

This villa is located at the confluence of the Ebro and Jalón rivers.
Three lines of F.C. pass through its municipality. (Zaragoza-Madrid, Zaragoza-Bilbao-Irun / Hendaye by-pass lines between them).

Azucarera de Alagon

Celebrations in Alagon

The festive calendar begins with the traditional Three Kings Parade to continue with the eve of the festival of San Antón, on January 16, with the fires around which the neighbors gather to give a good account of sausages and roasted potatoes washed down with a good wine.
One of the parties with more roots is Thursday Lardero (the Thursday before Ash Wednesday). This afternoon is considered a holiday and we go to the countryside to taste the traditional "tortilla" of Thursday Lardero composed of sausage and sausage between a special bread called "cake" that is only made this day.

Following the calendar comes Holy Week in which around two thousand people distributed in the different brotherhoods participate, with processions every day, ranging from the procession of L Burra on Palm Sunday, that of the Holy Burial, until Sunday of Resurrection with the Meeting.

It is traditional for the first Sunday of June to go to the hermitage of the Virgen del Castellar, shared with the neighbors of Torres de Berrellén.

Around June 13, the festival of San Antonio de Padua is celebrated with various religious acts, taking out the saint in procession accompanied by the traditional "Paloteao".

After the summer, the feast of Our Lady of the Castle is celebrated on September 8 which, like the previous ones, witnesses a large influx of visitors. According to tradition in the year 1,119, in the reconquest of Alagón the Virgin appeared to Alfonso I the Battler. A hermitage was erected and this fact is considered as the origin of these ancient festivals. In honor of the Virgin the Dance of Moors and Christians is represented and every five years the streets of Alagón are animated by the presence of the Comparsas de Moros y Cristianos of the town of Sax (Alicante), twinned with Alagon.
 Bonfires of San Antón, January 16; Pilgrimage to the hermitage of Castellar, May 18; San Antonio, June 13 (employers); and Virgen del Castillo, September 8.

Other information of the Municipality

Ample your information on Aragon

If you want Ample your information on Aragon you can begin crossing some Monasteries, o 40 Castles another interesting route is the Mudejar, Patrimony of the Humanity, also you can extend your cultural knowledge on Aragón examining its municipal and institutional heraldy without forgetting, of course, some of its emblematicas figures as San George Pattern of Aragon or its personages I illustrate adding to these data a minimum crossed by its history o some books.

Also Aragon enjoys a diverse and varied Nature where passing by plants, animals, or landscapes we can arrive at a fantastic bestiario that lives in its monuments.

The information will not be complete without a stroll by its three provinces: Zaragoza, Teruel and Huesca and ours varied Regions, with shutdown in some of its spectacular landscapes like Ordesa or the Moncayo or by opposition in the valle of the Ebro.

If reasons of work or relatives have taken to you Far from Aragon you can Download images of bottom, sounds or animations

Also you can dedicate you to the intangible ones: from the legend compilation that also does to universal Aragon you can persecute the presence of Santo Grial in Aragon.

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Alagon Basic information municipality

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