Aragon > Zaragoza> Alhama de Aragon
The municipality Alhama de Aragon covers an area of 31,1 Km2
It is located 114 Km from Zaragoza city
Located at an altitude of 664 m
In 1996 he was a resident population of 1217 inhabitants.
Belongs to the county (comarca) of Calatayud
General Mola, s/n.
Phone: +34 976840018 Fax: +34 976840483
Situation map municipality Alhama de Aragon whitin Aragon
The municipality is located to the SW. from Zaragoza, and 33 km SW. from Calatayud by road N-II, next to the Jalon river.
Alhama de Aragon is known for the existence of medicinal waters that give rise to its well-known baths, and from which its name derives (Al Haman "the baths").
Virgen de las Candelas and San Blas, February 2 and 3;
Holy Week;
Pilgrimage to the hermitage of San Gregorio, Sunday closest to May 9;
Pilgrimage to the hermitage of Santa Quiteria, May 22;
and San Roque, from August 14 to 17.