Casetas locality of Zaragoza municipality Province of Zaragoza. Aragon.

Casetas locality of Zaragoza municipality Province of Zaragoza. Aragon. Spain.

Locality Zaragoza

Aragon > Zaragoza> Zaragoza

Locality Casetas belongs to the municipality of Zaragoza
It is at a distance of 15 Km of Zaragoza capital
Located at an altitude of 215 m
En 1991 tenía una población de 5.646 habitantes
It is part of the Region Zaragoza

Ayuntamiento de Zaragoza

Plaza del Pilar, 18
Phone: +34 976721100

Situation map of Casetas near of Utebo
Situation map of Casetas near of Utebo municipality


Major festivals: 1st Sunday in May, Virgen de la Rosa.
Small festivals: 30th September, San Miguel.


A brief list of other important monuments that populate the city would be the following:

Other information of the Municipality