The Aragon name , originally part of a small Pyrenean territory about Jaca, will own a kingdom stretching from the east of the Iberian Peninsula: the Kingdom of Aragon, who once joined him Catalonia, forming the Crown of Aragon, become known throughout the Mediterranean area.
The province of Teruel can visit vestiges of Mesolithic -Levantine rock art- declared World Heritage Site by Unesco, in Mazaleon, Albarracin, Valdealgorfa and Santolea, among others.
In the area of Castiliscar, Borja and
Belchite are present on Neolithic and the Age of Bronze, while in the Pyrenees last for centuries dolmens still standing today.
Around the year 600 before our era, Central European peoples introduced in Aragon the use of iron.
Some of the modern towns we visit in Bajo Aragon (Calaceite, Caspe,
Fabara, Maella) and Azaila or Juslibol.
In the city of Zaragoza can admire some important traces of their passage, such as the Roman amphitheater and the walls. Even today can be distinguished with amazing clarity plotting Roman founding of the city: Cursus (Coso), Decumanus Maximus (Calle Mayor) and Cardo (D. Jaime Street). In the Zaragoza Provincial Museum important exposed samples from throughout the region.
After the brackets Visigoth Aragon reach a village that will leave an important historical-cultural Muslims.
The long Muslim presence in Aragonese territory artistic can be summarized as a monument: the Aljaferia Palace of Zaragoza, a city that was the capital of a vast territory they called Brand or Superior Frontera.
The Aljaferia Palace of Zaragoza, beautifully restored, it houses a part of the surface Cortes of Aragon.
It is a must for those who want to know the glory of the kingdom Taifa of Zaragoza.
Early examples of Romanesque Aragon include the former Cathedral Roda of Isabena, monastic churches Obarra and Alaon as well as the temples of Villanova, Sahún , the Run and San Caprasio (in Santa Cruz in the Seros).
The city is in the Romanesque Cathedral Jaca (to 1063, the first cathedral of Spain) the most wonderful exponent. Other examples include Loarre Castle, the crypt of San Esteban de Sos del Rey Catholic, San Pedro de Siresa, high church San Juan de la Peña or Santa Cruz de la Seros. All situated in an environment that allows it to be easily visited in one day.Mozarabic art has in the original core of the monastery of San Juan de la Peña its finest.
Some authors include in this style several churches in the region of Serrablo: Espierre, Gavin San Bartolome, San Pedro de Larrede, Olivan, San Juan de Busa, Satue, Susin and Otal.
Roman expansion into the southern Aragon stopped by geographical constraints only for historical reasons.
The scarcity of stone in the Ebro valley, next to the Romanesque identification with the way of life of the inhabitants of the Pyrenees,
will be determining factors for, years later, pop up Mudejar art in areas where the Romanesque had stopped.
The largest concentration of Gothic Aragonese is at the Aragon: lower area and Moorish Mudejar population. Three beautiful examples, such as the monasteries from Veruela, Piedra and Rueda de Ebro, an art advocate statues naked and not to divert attention from the spirit. We face the Cistercian Gothic.
Halfway between the Moorish and Gothic, if we observe the abundant brick used in its construction are the arazona Cathedral and the collegiate church of Caspe.
The examples are many and well bajoaragoneses confirm the collegiate Valderrobres, the Chapel of the Fountain of Andorra and other Lledo, Fórnoles, Molinos or Cañada de Verich. But besides these splendid and located in Teruel only examples. Special attention deserves the Gothic part of The Seo of Zaragoza and cathedrals
Huesca , Tarazona (the oldest next to Burgos and Toledo),
and the Barbastro. A good number of Gothic castles are scattered Aragon, like Valderrobres,
Alcaniz, Monzon, Archbishop Albalate and
Mesones of Isuela.
The fourteenth century was the period of greatest artistic strength Aragonese history as lived the new spirit of the Renaissance, imported from Italy, and demonstrations Gothic and Moorish.
Consequence of this reality were the numerous palaces whereby nobles demonstrated its economic and incorporation into urban life.
House of Morlanes, the Moon, Real Maestranza, Sastago Palace, home of the Pardo Palace Argillo, are examples of the reality that the city lived in the mid- XVI century.
However, the main monument of the period is the Market, which has some similarity to the Florentine Renaissance palaces, with the closing characteristic of the region: the wooden eaves.
The old convent of Santa Engracia, located in the center of Zaragoza, shows the traveler the serene beauty of your porch.
Numerous Aragonese towns have a splendid home-town hall: Huesca, Bielsa , Jaca, Uncastillo, Alcaniz, The Fresneda and Valderrobres.
The Baroque is also manifested in Aragon. Sometimes as part of a room decorated religious case of the chapels of San Valero, Santo Dominguito de Val, San Marcos in The Seo of Zaragoza.
Sometimes style alone is the artistic line of Monument: Alcaniz collegiate, churches of Santa Isabel, San Carlos, Las Fecetas and Mantería in Zaragoza, Charterhouse and Santa Fe, near the capital.
El Pilar, crucible of artistic styles, Samples also provides neoclassical. It was the rational response to alleged baroque excesses.
The architect Ventura Rodriguez, author of the Sainte Chapelle, we provide in the church of the Holy Cross Zaragoza another sample of his artistic taste.
Other well-known monuments are neoclassical Zaragoza San Fernando, the Archbishop's Palace and Puerta del Carmen.
Francisco de Goya y Lucientes is universally famous Aragonese painter.
Wenn Sie Ihre Informationen über Aragonien erweitern möchten, können Sie mit der Überquerung beginnen einige Klöster, or 40 Schlösser Eine weitere interessante Route ist Mudéjar, Erbe der Menschheit, Außerdem können Sie Ihr kulturelles Wissen über Aragón erweitern, indem Sie seine untersuchen städtische und institutionelle Heraldica, ohne natürlich einige ihrer emblematischen Figuren zu vergessen, wie das San George - Muster von Aragon oder Ihre Personen, die ich veranschauliche, indem Sie zu diesen Daten ein Minimum hinzufügen, das durch seine Geschichte oder einige Bücher.
Auch Aragón erfreut sich einer vielfältigen und abwechslungsreichen Natur, wo vorbeizieht Pflanzen, Tiere oder Landschaften können wir zu gelangen ein fantastisches Bestiario, das in seinen Denkmälern lebt.
Die Information wäre ohne einen Spaziergang durch die drei Provinzen unvollständig: Zaragoza, Teruel und Huesca und seine Dhines, mit Stillstand in einigen seiner spektakulären Landschaften wie Ordesa der Moncayo oder durch Opposition der Ebro.
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Sie können sich auch den immateriellen Themen widmen: von der Legendenzusammenstellung, die auch funktioniert Universelles Aragón Sie können die Anwesenheit von verfolgen Santo Grial in Aragón.
Huesca |
Teruel |
Aragón |
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The Pilar |
Goya |
Museum von Saragossa
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Aragon: Artistic Evolution.
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