The name of Aragon has gained an outstanding place in the history of Spain. To look for the origins of Spain is to go both to the
origin of one of kingdoms creators of its political union.
Although the students do not get to put themselves in agreement in the own etimology of the name of Aragon,
some data even guarantee the thesis from which it comes from an old language, previous to celta, in which the word "arra" or "altar" meant courses or water obstacles and "agon" several. In fact, still two pirenaicos rivers conserve that name: the Aragón river, that happen through Jaca, and the Aragón-Subordán, that ends at first after crossing the Valley of I throw.
The name of Aragon, really, gives to understand old of our history and its pirenaico origin us.
The Independent Community of Aragon, today, includes a territory characterized by its great extension and its situation privileged in Spain and the European surroundings.
With 47,645 kilometers square of surface, it is the fourth Spanish Independent Community, only surpassed in size by Castile and Leon, Castile-The Mancha and Andalusia. It has more surface than European countries like Belgium, Holland or Denmark.
As far as its strategic location, its paper of border with Europe through the Pyrenees is remarkable (there is one that Aragón like "Door of Europe" for the rest of Spain defines). Also, the Zaragoza capital and the Valley of the Ebro are formed like center of interest in the measurement in which they equidistan of other Spanish neuralgic centers: Madrid, Barcelona, Bilbao and Valencia, which turns to Zaragoza a communications center.
When consulting a physical map of the Peninsula any observer will repair in the great depression that extends from the Cantabrian Mountain range to the Mediterranean Coast.
By the center of that depression the Ebro river flows, whose river basin adopts - whims of the nature the triangular form. A triangle that it has as it bases the coast Mare Nostrum and whose sides - Pyrenean and Iberian System comes together in the Cantabrian vertex.
In the center of that river basin is Aragón, that it presents/displays an unquestionable, centered and conditional geographic unit by his great river, the Ebro.
According to the article third of the present Statute of Autonomy:
· One. The flag of Aragón is the traditional one of the four I sweep red horizontals on yellow bottom.
· Two. The shield of Aragón is the traditional one of the four quarters, ended by the corresponding crown, that will appear in the center of the flag.
Three. His pattern is Sant George whose festividad is celebrated the 23 of April.
In order to give a clear idea of the fundamental paper that he only carries out the Ebro river in Aragón he is possible to remember that great part of their 910 km runs by Aragonese earth.
The Ebro constitutes the hinge on which the life of the region has always articulated and is datum point important in his to happen historical.
There are other fundamental characteristics that it agrees to you to know:
Aragon like Historical Crossroads.
The Aragoneses
According to the statistical data corresponding to 1991, the population of right in Aragon is of 1.178.521 people, of whom 581,436 are men and 597,085 women. Therefore, this data takes to us to consider the fact to barely find before an extensive territory town us and, with very low demographic density: 24 inhabitants by square kilometer (24.73 according to 1991 data).
Another demographic characteristic of this Independent Community is the dispersion of the population in small municipalities and the concentration in Zaragoza city, where they live near 600,000 people (the province surpasses the 835,000 inhabitants).
In the province of Huesca they live more than 215,000 inhabitants and in the one on Teruel, little more than 150.000.
Wenn Sie Ihre Informationen über Aragonien erweitern möchten, können Sie mit der Überquerung beginnen einige Klöster, or 40 Schlösser Eine weitere interessante Route ist Mudéjar, Erbe der Menschheit, Außerdem können Sie Ihr kulturelles Wissen über Aragón erweitern, indem Sie seine untersuchen städtische und institutionelle Heraldica, ohne natürlich einige ihrer emblematischen Figuren zu vergessen, wie das San George - Muster von Aragon oder Ihre Personen, die ich veranschauliche, indem Sie zu diesen Daten ein Minimum hinzufügen, das durch seine Geschichte oder einige Bücher.
Auch Aragón erfreut sich einer vielfältigen und abwechslungsreichen Natur, wo vorbeizieht Pflanzen, Tiere oder Landschaften können wir zu gelangen ein fantastisches Bestiario, das in seinen Denkmälern lebt.
Die Information wäre ohne einen Spaziergang durch die drei Provinzen unvollständig: Zaragoza, Teruel und Huesca und seine Dhines, mit Stillstand in einigen seiner spektakulären Landschaften wie Ordesa der Moncayo oder durch Opposition der Ebro.
Wenn Sie aus beruflichen oder familiären Gründen Weit weg von Aragonien sind Sie können Bodenbilder, Sounds oder Animationen herunterladen.
Sie können sich auch den immateriellen Themen widmen: von der Legendenzusammenstellung, die auch funktioniert Universelles Aragón Sie können die Anwesenheit von verfolgen Santo Grial in Aragón.
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To know Aragon: An introduction to Aragon.
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