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The Provincial Historical Archive of Teruel is a state-owned archive, whose management is entrusted to the Autonomous Community of Aragon by an agreement signed with the Ministry of Culture on June 2, 1986.
The Order of March 10, 1958 (BOE of April 25, 1958) of the Ministry of National Education inaugurates the official life of the Provincial Historical Archive of Teruel.It currently has its headquarters in the old Escuelas del Arrabal, a building restored for its current destination and inaugurated on June 3, 1987.
+34 978608387
Mornings: from 9 to 14
Afternoons: Tuesday and Thursday, 5 to 7 p.m.
The National Investigator Card or the Investigator Card of the Autonomous Community of Aragon is required. Both of expedition in the own Archive by means of a letter of presentation of a professor, academic or person of recognized prestige in the world of the culture.
It has twelve places. And it has a microfilm reader-player.
Formed by more than 1,600 volumes, among which are reference works on Aragon and its history, and on matters that have to do directly with the archives held by the Archive. It also has a wide collection of specialized magazines on local and archival issues.
The Archive has a photographic laboratory for microfilming documents and a photocopier.
1.1. Judiciales - Juzgados de 1ª Instancia e Instrucción. Albarracín. Aliaga. Calamocha. Montalbán. Mora de Rubielos. Teruel número 1. - Justicia Municipal. - Penitenciarios. Patronato de Nuestra Señora de la Merced. Prisión Provincial. 1.2. De la Fe Pública - Notarial de Teruel. - Contaduria de Hipotecas. 1.3. Administración Central Periférica - Biblioteca Pública - Estadística. - Fiscalía Provincial de Tasas. - Gobierno Civil. - Hacienda. - Movimiento. Delegación Provincial de la Sección Femenina. Delegación Provincial de la Juventud. Delegación Provincial de la Familia. - Regiones Devastadas. - Sanidad. Instituto Nacional de la Salud. Residencia Sanitaria Obispo Polanco. - Servicio Provincial de Inspección y Asesoramiento de Corporaciones Locales. - Trabajo. - Transporte. 1.4. Administración Autonómica 1.5. Administración Local - Comunidad de Teruel. - Ayuntamiento de Cascante del Río. - Ayuntamiento de Fuentespalda. - Ayuntamiento de Santa Eulalia. - Concejo de Teruel. 1.6. Administración Institucional - Organización Sindical. - Radio Teruel.2. ARCHIVOS PRIVADOS
2.1. Archivos de Familias - Familia Dolz de Espejo. - Familia Sánchez Muñoz. 2.2. Archivo Personal de Domingo Gascon. 2.3. Compañia Minera Sierra Menera. 2.4. Ordenes Militares.Colecciones: Sellos medievales
The instruments for the description of the documentary collections are available to users in the researchers room.
The beginning of the microfilming activity dates back to 1981. The person who started this work is Mr. Francisco Javier Aguirre González together with a team made up of Ms. Carmen Moles Villamate and Ms. Pilar Abós Castel.
The work carried out in this first stage is carried out thanks to the transfer of a planetary machine S.M.A.1 sent by the Center for Conservation and Microfilming of the Ministry of Culture. The microfilming is not carried out on documentary funds deposited in the Provincial Historical Archive, but with funds from forty-eight Municipal Archives of the province and from the two Historical Communities of Albarracin and Teruel.
Of this work, the Provincial Historical Archive conserves four hundred and thirty-one rolls in negative copy, its camera originals are in the current Microfilming Service of the Directorate of State Archives, and its positive copies are in the Institute of Turolenses Studies of the Hon. Provincial Council of Teruel.
As the new building has facilities for a photography laboratory, the reprography technician position was created in 1986 and a request was made to renew the microfilming machine. Two years later the Ministry of Culture sent a Kodak model MRD2 device.
Currently in the laboratory only the camera original is made, continuing in Madrid the rest of the process (development, quality control, negative and positive copies, etc.) that once concluded there, the negative copy is sent to us.
Up to now, the documentation (parchment and paper) of the Subsection of the Council of Teruel and the notarial protocols of the municipality of Fuentespalda have been microfilmed.
It is in charge of the control of the conservation conditions in the documentary deposits and of the restoration of the Archives documents, both on paper and on parchment, that are affected by causes of chemical, physical or biological alteration.
Installed on the same floor as the unloading dock, it is a small room with a metal door, but it lacks a gas evacuation system, so it is waiting to solve this problem for its start-up.
If you want Ample your information on Aragon you can begin crossing some Monasteries, o 40 Castles another interesting route is the Mudejar, Patrimony of the Humanity, also you can extend your cultural knowledge on Aragón examining its municipal and institutional heraldy without forgetting, of course, some of its emblematicas figures as San George Pattern of Aragon or its personages I illustrate adding to these data a minimum crossed by its history o some books.
Also Aragon enjoys a diverse and varied Nature where passing by plants, animals, or landscapes we can arrive at a fantastic bestiario that lives in its monuments.
The information will not be complete without a stroll by its three provinces: Zaragoza, Teruel and Huesca and ours varied Regions, with shutdown in some of its spectacular landscapes like Ordesa or the Moncayo or by opposition in the valle of the Ebro.
If reasons of work or relatives have taken to you Far from Aragon you can Download images of bottom, sounds or animations
Also you can dedicate you to the intangible ones: from the legend compilation that also does to universal Aragon you can persecute the presence of Santo Grial in Aragon.
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Provincial Historical Archive of TeruelTeruel Pasapues, Aragon, name, area, distance, population
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