Ariño: Basic information of the municipality. Municipality. Province Teruel. Aragon manages it.

Ariño: Basic information of the municipality Teruel. Aragon.


Aragon > Teruel > Ariño

Municipality Ariño covers an area of 81,9 Km2
It is located 130 Km, from Teruel capital
Located at an altitude of 536 m
In 1996 had a population of 930 inhabitants

Ayuntamiento de Ariño

Phone: +34 978817131

Mapa Situación de Ariño
Belongs to the shire (comarca) of Andorra-Sierra de Arcos

Villa in the province of Teruel, located at the confluence of the Martín and Escuriza rivers, at the foothills of the Sierra de Arcos.
The urban area is located on the side of the hill, while the mining town is located next to the road.
Its economy, based on lignite mining, has considerably displaced agriculture and livestock in the area.


In its first historical period, Villa de Ariño was offered to us as a suburban entity of the Tenure of Albalate and as such, forming part of the Zaragoza Epicpal Message in almost all of its past.

Its reconquest was set around 1130, being transferred by the King of Aragon Don Sancho, to Don Pedro de Zaroca, first secular lord of Ariño, at the end of the 12th century. In 1242 it was acquired by the Bishop of Zaragoza and became part of the Tenure of Albalate (like Almochuel, Arcos and Andorra). However, the Miter does not yet consolidate its dominion over Ariño since at the end of the 13th century it belonged to the Crown again, as evidenced by a privilege of Jaime II of Aragon. And if the Sástago owned the State of Ariño by agreement with the Zaragoza Prelates, they had to recover it again from the kings of Aragon, and it will remain in their power until the 19th century.

It is interesting to note that for reasons of geographical proximity and even a common destination, SANCTUARY OF NTRA. MRS. DE ARCOS, have made the Villa de Ariño have considered that of Arcos as something intimate and their own, since both towns formed a unique whole for centuries. In fact, when the latter was depopulated due to the expulsion of the Moors in the 17th century, a large part of the Maple population began to nurture that of Ariño.

The ancient town of Arcos of undoubted prehistoric origin, and where the Marian Sanctuary of this name stands today, is rightly reputed by those of Ariño as something endearing, linked to its own past.

As a summary we will say that today Ariño is a prosperous town in which the exploitation of its lignites highlights the importance of this within the mining industry.


Rura Bombo y Tambor. Towns situation in Teruel

Other information of the Municipality

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If you want Ample your information on Aragon you can begin crossing some Monasteries, o 40 Castles another interesting route is the Mudejar, Patrimony of the Humanity, also you can extend your cultural knowledge on Aragón examining its municipal and institutional heraldy without forgetting, of course, some of its emblematicas figures as San George Pattern of Aragon or its personages I illustrate adding to these data a minimum crossed by its history o some books.

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Ariño: Basic information of the municipality

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