Alcala de Ebro Basic information municipality Province of Zaragoza. Aragon.

Alcala de Ebro Basic information municipality Province of Zaragoza. Aragon. Spain.

Municipality Alcala de Ebro

Aragon > Zaragoza> Alcala de Ebro

The municipality Alcala de Ebro covers an area of 9,9 Km2
This town is at a distance of 30 Km from Zaragoza city
Located at an altitude of 223 m
In 1996 he was a resident population of 312 inhabitants.
Belongs to the county (comarca) of Ribera Alta Del Ebro

Ayuntamiento de Alcala de Ebro

Plaza de España, 1.
Phone: +34 976615716 Fax: +34 976615716

Situation of Alcala de Ebro

To the NW. from the province of Zaragoza.
It is accessed from the capital via the A-68 motorway and bypass in Pedrola to the local road next to the Ebro river bank, in the Llano de Plasencia.


San Gregorio, May 9;
Major Holidays, first weekend of August;
and Santa Barbara, December 4.