Lobera de Onsella municipality : basic information Province of Zaragoza. Aragon.

Lobera de Onsella municipality : basic information Province of Zaragoza. Aragon. Spain.

Municipality Lobera de Onsella

Aragon > Zaragoza> Lobera de Onsella

The municipality Lobera de Onsella covers an area of 32,2 Km2
This town is at a distance of 147 Km from Zaragoza city.
Located at an altitude of 672 m
In 1996 he was a resident population of 66 inhabitants.
Belongs to the county (comarca) of Cinco Villas

Ayuntamiento de Lobera de Onsella

Aire, 1.
Phone: +34 976888191


Al N. de Zaragoza por autopista A-68 y carretera N-232, con desvío en Gallur a carretera C-127, y nuevo desvío en Sos del Rey Católico a carretera C-132 y carretera local, en el valle de Onsella, al pie de la sierra de Lurientes.


San Juan, 24 de junio; y San Ramón, 31 de agosto (patronales).

Other information of the Municipality

Ample your information on Aragon

If you want Ample your information on Aragon you can begin crossing some Monasteries, o 40 Castles another interesting route is the Mudejar, Patrimony of the Humanity, also you can extend your cultural knowledge on Aragón examining its municipal and institutional heraldy without forgetting, of course, some of its emblematicas figures as San George Pattern of Aragon or its personages I illustrate adding to these data a minimum crossed by its history o some books.

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La Seo | The Pilar | Mudejar | Goya | Bestiary | Museum Provincial Zaragoza
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Lobera de Onsella municipality : basic information

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