It covers an area of 14,5 Km2
It is distance of 40 Km de Huesca
Located at an altitude of 429 m
In 1996 had a population of right de 231 inhabitants
Belongs to the county (Comarca) Somontano de Barbastro
It evolves around the impressive Rock of Santa Margarita.
In this boulder can be seen the remains of the castle, which is accessed via steps carved into the rock, on which also were excavated pipes to distribute the rainwater into a cistern that is in the bottom of the rock.
The villa has interesting examples of folk architecture, but the highlight is the Santa Lucia Parish Church, built in the sixteenth century Aragonese Gothic style.
It is made with good outdoor seating and presents the typical gallery arches of brick.
The cover, Renaissance, is date
The bell tower offers two square bodies, corresponding to a Romanesque work. On it, in the seventeenth century, there arose a third body adorned with elegant decoration.
The area has an interesting mosaic of limestone with holes called "gnammas", in which small pieces of oak, mastic and Mediterranean plants form the ideal habitat for an amazing birdlife.
Holidays mayores: St. Lucia from 13 to 16 December
Mudejar Art exhibition, Aragon so, portal, tourism, rural, festivals, culture, art, customs, Architecture, Goya, Iberians, Romans, Celts, Gauls, Celtiberians, Christians, Romanesque, Gothic, Cistercians, baroque, renaissance, neoclassical, monasteries, cathedrals, churches, cloisters, castles, art, ceramics, painting, sculpture, Moncayo, Iberian system, Pyrenees, stone, water, earth, river, Ebro, Jalon Jiloca Huerva Huecha, Queiles, Isuela, Gallego, Matarraña, Martin, Guadalope, Turia, snow, mountain, Ordesa, Guara, sport, canyons, nature, holidays, travel, hiking, walking, climbing, outdoors, camping, backpacking, hostel, sports, rural tourism, people, environment, ecology, flora, fauna, geography, energy, waste, air, guide
A complete tour of Aragon, learn to enjoy and learn as it is. Mudejar Art Exhibition, tourist server, portal festivals, culture, art, customs. Sport and nature sounds unfamiliar. Aragones of course. (Spain).
If you want Ample your information on Aragon you can begin crossing some Monasteries, o 40 Castles another interesting route is the Mudejar, Patrimony of the Humanity, also you can extend your cultural knowledge on Aragón examining its municipal and institutional heraldy without forgetting, of course, some of its emblematicas figures as San George Pattern of Aragon or its personages I illustrate adding to these data a minimum crossed by its history o some books.
Also Aragon enjoys a diverse and varied Nature where passing by plants, animals, or landscapes we can arrive at a fantastic bestiario that lives in its monuments.
The information will not be complete without a stroll by its three provinces: Zaragoza, Teruel and Huesca and ours varied Regions, with shutdown in some of its spectacular landscapes like Ordesa or the Moncayo or by opposition in the valle of the Ebro.
If reasons of work or relatives have taken to you Far from Aragon you can Download images of bottom, sounds or animations
Also you can dedicate you to the intangible ones: from the legend compilation that also does to universal Aragon you can persecute the presence of Santo Grial in Aragon.
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