Montmesa. Lupiñen-Ortilla. Province Huesca. Aragon manages it.

Montmesa Aragon. Spain.


Aragon > Huesca > Lupiñen-Ortilla

Belongs to the municipality of LUPIÑEN-ORTILLA
Is at a distance of 26 Km from Huesca
Located at an altitude of 438 m
In 1999 had a population of 96 inhabitants
In 1991 had a population of 125 inhabitants

Ayuntamiento de Lupiñen-Ortilla

22811 Lupiñen-Ortilla (HUESCA)
Phone: +34 974270157


Major festivals in honor of San Miguel 29 September.
The little ones in honor of San Gregorio on May 9.
In addition, the festivities of Santa Ana (June 26) are celebrated
and Valentine's Day on February 13.

County (Comarca) Hoya de Huesca / Plana de Uesca withi Aragon
Belongs to the county (Comarca) Hoya de Huesca / Plana de Uesca