Puebla de Castro Population during the twentieth and twenty-first Aragon. Spain.


Aragon > Huesca > La Puebla de Castro

Evolution of the population during the century twenty-first

Official population registers of 1 January
Puebla de Castro (La)351372373382403410__
Province Huesca211.286218.023218.023218.023220.107225.271228.409228.566

Population in fact from 1900 to 1991

Population in fact from 1900 to 1991
Puebla de Castro 838 765 696 675 576 527 689 364 348 293
Province of Huesca 244.867248.257 250.508 242.958 231.647 236.232233.543 222.238 219.813 218.897

Source: Instituto Nacional de Estadística